Grade 4 Social Studies

Grade 4 Social Studies: Term 1 Unit 1

In this Unit students will begin to examine the lifestyle of the original inhabitants of Jamaica, the Tainos. They will describe the appearance and dress of the Tainos, and explore how they met their basic needs. They will be encouraged to appreciate the ingenuity of the Tainos and their close relationship with their environment.
  • Lesson 1 The Tainos
  • The Tainos
  • Lesson 1 Review
  • Assessment 1
  • Seatwork 1
  • Lesson 2 The influence of the Taino people today
  • The Influence of the Taino people today
  • Lesson 2 Review
  • Assessment 2
  • Seatwork 2
  • Lesson 3 The relationship between the Taino's and the environment
  • The relationship between the Taino people and the Environment.
  • Lesson 3 Review
  • Assessment 3
  • Seatwork 3
  • Lesson 4 Technology used by the Taino people
  • Technology used by the Taino people
  • Lesson 4 Review
  • Assessment 4
  • Seatwork 4
  • Unit Assessment
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed